Bloom Magazine is a culture and lifestyle magazine based in Bloomington, Indiana. Every issue includes articles on all the interesting people, places, and events that make life in this part of south-central Indiana so worth celebrating. Our readers are both visitors to Bloomington and its adult, professional, working population.

Bloomington’s best writers and photographers contribute to Bloom. Story ideas often come from our freelancers, and we welcome experienced newcomers to pitch story ideas to us. People who have not contributed to Bloom in the past are more likely to be assigned a department piece than a feature story.

We recommend that prospective contributors peruse several issues of Bloom to get an idea of the style and tone of our editorial content. If we assign a story to you, we will send you a copy of our “Bloom Style Guide,” which includes submission requirements, payment information, rights, style and usage guidelines, and other useful information for writers and photographers.


If you are a photographer who would like to contribute to Bloom, email a brief history of your photography experience and published work to rodney@magbloom.comBloom Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials.


We rarely accept stories written “on spec.” If you would like to write for Bloom, please email your résumé and a few of your best published clips, as links or attachments, to (Hard copies may be sent to the postal address below.)  Write a brief bio and, if you like, include any story ideas you might have in mind.

We are looking especially for good ideas for stories in any of our nine departments: Our Town (people profiles), Arts/Entertainment, Business/Finance, Fashion/Shopping, Food/Drink, Health/Fitness, Home/Family, Science/Education, and Community. Usually, the articles in these departments are service pieces (350-400 words) that inform or help our readers in some practical way.

Thanks for your interest in Bloom.  Our mailing address:

Bloom Magazine
P.O. Box 1204
Bloomington, IN 47402