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8 Saturday / December 8, 2012

Krampus Night

07:00 pm

Krampus Night introduces Bloomington to the creatures known as Krampus. Naughty children and adults are encouraged to congregate in this winter wonderland at the Northwest end of the B-Line Trail as the Krampus, free of the control of St. Nicholas, emerge from the wild and stalk naughty prey. This is no parade. It’s a march to downtown Bloomington. Will you dare get in the way? The Grand March begins at the City Hall/Farmers Market portion of B-Line Trail. Everyone’s here: the Angels, heralds, St. Nicholas and his attendants, and of course the Krampus.

At Rhino’s, The Bluebird, and Jakes, the Angels hand out ‘Naughty’ and ‘Nice’ stickers to all before the Krampus descend upon the clubs. After they have dished out their punishment, the Krampus are corralled by St. Nicholas. Grab a pic quick before they head out the door.


In Alpine Europe, nice children are rewarded with gifts from St. Nicolaus during the holiday season. But, naughty children are punished by his feisty companions, the Krampus.

Tall, hairy beasts with wild horns, the Krampus love to frighten bad children. Some take back presents, leaving a lump of coal instead. Some swat at naughty children with a switch, while other Krampus reach out and touch their faces, leaving an ashen mark that attracts bad dreams. Only St. Nick has the power to send the Krampus away, but in return children must behave.

St. Nick evolved into Santa Claus in the States, but Santa neglected and eventually abandoned the punishment duties of the Krampus. Most American kids have never got a lump of coal in their stockings. Santa only gives presents. Now the Krampus is coming to Bloomington to remind children — and adults — about the importance of being good and the fear of behaving badly.

Cost: Free

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