photos by HALEY BROWN
The Tudor Room at the Indiana Memorial Union was the site of Bloom’s 14th annual holiday party. More than 230 civic and business leaders, educators, and members of the arts community attended the gala, which raised $1,700 for Shalom Community Center.
The evening featured the excellent fare of IU Catering’s Chef Dave Tallent and holiday music by the Bloomington Chamber Singers. A merry time was had by all!
IU first lady Laurie Burns McRobbie converses with Loren Wood of Loren Wood Builders and Tina Peterson, executive director of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County. (l-r) Architect Bill Schick and IU architectural historian Eric Sandweiss. The Uptown Cafe owner Michael Cassady shares a moment with Bloomington legend Charlotte Zietlow. Enjoying a laugh are (l-r) Tyler Frazee of Stone Belt, artist Joel Washington, and Bloom garden columnist Moya Andrews. Deep in conversation are (l-r) author Scott Russell Sanders and Macey Dale of Andrew Davis Clothiers. Vicki and Joe Davison are served planked salmon by an IU Catering chef. Other fare included prime beef, giant shrimp, and a risotto bar featuring lobster and other tasty selections. Who can resist a cranberry and orange macaron? Lawyers all: (l-r) Lonnie Johnson of Clendening Johnson & Bohrer, and Betsy K. Greene, Brandon Hall, and Fred Schultz of Greene & Schultz Trial Lawyers. Bloom Magazine Community Award winner (see Page 15) Beverly Calender-Anderson chats with Doris Sims, City of Bloomington director of housing and neighborhood development. Seated is Mike Fisher of The Briar & The Burley. Behind him are (l-r) Barbara Carroll, Kris Adams, and Jennifer Dewitt, all of Bell Trace. Roasted cauliflower, a new favorite of IU Catering and the Bloom crowd. The Bloomington Chamber Singers were magnificent as always under the baton of Gerry Sousa.