Editor’s Message: Staying Upbeat in a Pandemic
It’s not easy to stay upbeat in a pandemic. But when the news gets me down, I keep my spirits up by focusing on the many good things in my life. Family, friends, and colleagues top the list. But I am also immensely grateful to be living in Bloomington, a city with good values and good people. That is what we are celebrating in this special issue. Read more.

Guest Column: The Work We’re Called to Do Now
Bloomington’s identity is bound up in our local organizations, in the rich array of nonprofit agencies, and in our small and locally owned businesses. Our identity is also bound up in our collective pride in our community-spiritedness, in our commitment to education and its generative power for citizens and the economy, and in our dedication to making Bloomington an even more open and inclusive place. We worry that we could lose these things. But there are actions we can take now to keep the Bloomington we love. Read more.

Celebrating the People of Bloomington: A Retrospective
Since Bloom began in 2006, we have published more than 4,000 stories about the people, places, events, and history of our town. In this special 84th edition of the magazine, we celebrate people who, in big ways and small, through their talents, passions, accomplishments, intelligence, and compassion have made Bloomington the unique place that it is. Read more.