Editor’s note: The following is a press release from the City of Bloomington. Bloom has republished it here in its entirety with edits for style and clarity.
Three area students were named recipients of the City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth’s (CSCY) sixth annual S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Awards on Thursday, November 5.
Binford Elementary student Allan Eanes, and two Bloomington High School North students, Tara Ganguly and Fabrian Salcedo Paez, were presented with this year’s awards. The ceremony, which was held virtually in accordance with current public health guidelines, may be viewed here.

The S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Awards recognize “Students Who Act Generously, Grow and Earn Respect.” Among this year’s nominees were students who have volunteered with their faith communities, schools, or area nonprofit organizations, assisted a friend or neighbor in need, mentored younger students, exemplified a positive attitude among peers, showed respect for others, or improved academically.
“These three students truly personify the heart of this award,” said CSCY member Isadore Torry. “Their generous natures, involvement in important community issues, and being role models for others has earned them the respect of their peers and trusted adults.”

During the presentation, the commission and respective nominators acknowledged all S.W.A.G.G.E.R. Award Recipients with a City of Bloomington gift bag, Target gift card, and congratulatory mayoral proclamation.
The Bloomington Commission on the Status of Children and Youth exists to promote connections in the Bloomington community that empower, enhance, and nurture children and youth. The Commission accesses resources and information to make recommendations to people and organizations with the authority to create and support systems that encourage the healthy development of children and youth. More information about CSCY initiatives and meeting minutes are available here.