Blues and boogie-woogie pianist Craig Brenner recently released a new album, Passages, featuring eight original songs. According to Brenner’s website, the album, which includes the musical talents of a dozen other artists, includes “playful and uplifting jazz and boogie-woogie, sultry blues, introspective jazz piano, [and] reflections on life and death.”
Brenner has previously performed with the legendary Bo Diddley and opened shows for B.B. King, C.J. Chenier, Queen Ida, Buckwheat Zydeco, and Duke Robillard, among others. In 2015, he founded the Bloomington Blues & Boogie Woogie Piano Festival.
Passages is available in limited quantity on 12-inch vinyl, as well as on CD and via digital downloads from his website, craigbrenner.com. In Bloomington, it can be purchased at a reduced price at Landlocked Records.