At Tivoli Fashions, purchases come with a little something extra: complimentary gift wrapping by owner Cheryl Nichoalds that looks beautiful beneath the Christmas tree.
Nichoalds’s elaborate handmade bows—some say the best in town—make it simple for those who are less adept at wrapping holiday packages to add a personal touch to any gift.

“Free gift wrapping at Tivoli is a service that makes everyone smile,” says Nichoalds. “The gift giver is proud to present an elegantly wrapped package, and the recipient is in awe of a special handmade bow—no stick-on bows here!”
After you’ve purchased an item at Tivoli, simply ask Nichoalds to wrap it for you.
“I always have quality paper, ribbon, and baubles to wrap any package for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or any special occasion,” she says.
Tivoli, which sells classic women’s apparel, is located on the downtown Square and serves post-college women.
Nichoalds says she feels her gift-wrapping services are one of the many things that set Tivoli apart, as few big box stores offer high quality gift wrapping free of charge.
“Men particularly are appreciative of the service since they are usually not adept with paper and ribbon,” Nichoalds explains. “Women just appreciate pretty packages and often save the bows. One lady even tells me she carefully unwraps the gift, removes the contents, then puts the package back together to use as decoration in her home.”
Nichoalds’s gift wrapping is a self-taught talent.
“My skills … have evolved over the years but began long ago when I watched a florist demonstrate how he made bows for his floral arrangements,” she says. “That piqued my interest enough to start developing my own style.”
For more information, visit Tivoli at Facebook.com/TivoliFashions or call 812-339-6239.
A gift-wrapped package at Tivoli. Courtesy photo A gift-wrapped package at Tivoli. Courtesy photo A gift-wrapped package at Tivoli. Courtesy photo A gift-wrapped package at Tivoli. Courtesy photo A gift-wrapped package at Tivoli. Courtesy photo