Spend enough time around someone and you’re likely to pick up on their vernacular. But sometimes, even exposure to a person’s lingo doesn’t help you better understand them. That may be especially true when you’re spending time with people born between 1997 and 2012, a generation known as Gen Z.
The Gen Z Dictionary can help. Written by Kelly King, founder and president of the 80/20 Agency, with help from the Gen Z-ers in her office, the book is a guide for people of older generations to better understand today’s youth. “There are new words and expressions continuously coming out of their mouths,” King explains in the book’s introduction, “and it’s impossible to keep up with the lingo. … Then it dawned on me. I needed a Gen Z dictionary.”
Buy the book ($5.99) at thegenzdictionary. com, on Amazon, or at Lola and Company on the downtown Square.