Editor’s note: The following is a press release from the City of Bloomington. Bloom has republished it here with edits for style and clarity.
The City of Bloomington Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission invites the community to visit the Black History 101 Mobile Museum on September 11 from 9 a.m. to noon in council chambers at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. Admission is free and no registration is required.
Founded by Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, the Black History 101 Mobile Museum is an award-winning collection of original artifacts of Black memorabilia dating from the trans-Atlantic slave trade era to hip-hop culture. His talk “The Truth Hurts: Black History and Healing the Racial Divide” at the City’s virtual 2021 MLK celebration in January 2021 may be viewed here. Featuring objects and memorabilia related to politics, science, education, music, and sports, among other categories, the interactive exhibition has been shared in more than 500 non-museum spaces in over 40 states in an effort to expand accessibility. El-Hakim will host the exhibition in person and engage with visitors.
Visitors will be required to wear a mask and maintain physical distancing in keeping with current public health guidelines.
Major event underwriters include the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department; the Indiana University Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center; the Indiana University Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs; Cook Inc.; and Boston Scientific. Event sponsors include Lola B. Debro and Family, Ivy Tech Community College, the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Bloomington, Old National Bank, and the Monroe County Board of Commissioners and Human Rights Commission.