As a child, Alison Kingsley loved drawing and painting. She relished summer art camps, and high school art classes were the highlight of her days. That’s when she decided to become an art teacher and develop her diverse artistic talents.
Now, Kingsley, 28, strives to inspire students at Edgewood High School, where she’s in her third year of teaching painting, stained glass, 3-D art, and ceramics. As an artist, she paints and draws “lively pseudo-abstract works,” and creates sculptures from found materials and ceramics.
“It’s the best of both worlds—being an educator and artist at the same time,” says Kingsley. She moved from Long Island, New York, to Bloomington with her husband, Liam, in 2017, when he was accepted into the Indiana University doctoral history program.
Kingsley graduated from State University of New York at Potsdam in 2016, with a bachelor of fine arts degree in oil painting, and a bachelor’s degree in art history and art education. In June 2021, she earned a master’s degree in art education online from Morningside College in Iowa.
Kingsley explains her paintings are abstract expressionistic, with recognizable images and gestural brush-strokes or mark- making. “I’m very fun-focused, and I like to use lots of different colors,” says Kingsley. She adds that her art sometimes reflects her emotions.
Kingsley does contract work and displays pieces at alisonkingsley.weebly.com and instagram.com/alisonkingsleyart.
Examples of the artist’s work. Examples of the artist’s work. Examples of the artist’s work.