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15 Monday / October 15, 2012

Feldenkrais Method Class

06:15 pm to 07:15 pm
Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center East (328 S. Woodscrest Dr.)

Feldenkrais Method-Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) classes are a series of gentle, verbally guided movement sequences that are intended to improve posture, flexibility, coordination, and even attention. Those who wish to enhance their well being, whether they are healthy or currently experiencing physical pain, stress, or anxiety can, benefit from this class.

Participants must be able to get up and down to the floor without assistance. Participants must be able to lay on their stomachs for an extended period of time.

Classes held Mondays and Wednesdays from September 5 to October 15. Call or search for class on website to register.

Cost: $120

For more information contact:


Education / Fitness / Health

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