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31 Wednesday / October 31, 2012


08:30 am to 04:30 pm on Nov 1

ASIST is a two-day intensive, interactive, and practice-dominated course designed to help individuals recognize risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. ASIST is designed to help all caregivers become more willing, ready, and able to help persons at risk. Suicide can be prevented with the help of prepared individuals. You will learn how to:
• Recognize invitations for help
• Reach out and offer support
• Review the risk of suicide
• Apply a suicide intervention model
• Link people with community resources
The workshop is for all persons in a position of trust. This includes mental health professionals, nurses, physicians, teachers, counselors, youth workers, police and correctional staff, school support staff, clergy, and community volunteers.

Cost: $125

For more information contact:

[email protected]

Education / Health

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