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16 Friday / November 16, 2012

Meet the Designer

09:00 am to 02:00 pm
IU Art Museum, 1133 E. 7th Street

Angles Café & Gift Shop, second floor
Angles is hosting its fourth Meet the Designer event featuring Cristina Peixoto. The Brazilian jewelry designer Cristina Peixoto was born in Birigui, in the interior of Sao Paulo state. After studying and practicing in psychology, she operated a gallery selling contemporary art and antiques. Then, she began to crochet metal wire to make jewelry for herself and friends. Orders followed. Her work expanded from jewelry to the creation and embellishment of custom garments for major designers and fashion houses. Today, Cristina’s jewelry is widely collected in Brazil and is often featured in leading Brazilian fashion magazines.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:


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