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22 Monday / April 22, 2013

2013 Midwest Cultural Tourism Conference – ‘Capture Your Culture’

08:00 am to 03:00 pm
Bloomington/Monroe County Convention Center (302 S. College Ave.)

This conference, hosted by the Bloomington Monroe County Convention Center, is focused on the theme of tourism.

What will you learn?

-How to collaborate with others in your community so all can prosper.

-How to attract visitors to your destination.

-How experiences contribute to cultural tourism.

Who should attend?

-Arts and Cultural Organization/Destination Employees

-Convention Center Staffers

-Destination Marketers

-Event Planners

-Tourism and Hospitality Professionals

-Students Interested in Hospitality and Tourism

Cost: $65 registration

For more information contact:

Melissa Seibert

Business / Education

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