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31 Thursday / October 31, 2013

Mathers Museum Symposium-Documentary Photography and the South African Experience

09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N Indiana Ave

The symposium will bring together Santu Mofokeng, a major contemporary South African photographer; John Edwin Mason, a historian of South African and U.S. photography at the University of Virginia; and Claude Cookman from the IU School of Journalism, who has written about Margaret Bourke-White, to discuss Bourke-White, South Africa, photojournalism, and their transnational intersections with Life magazine. Beth Buggenhagen, Associate Professor of Anthropology/Faculty Research Curator, Mathers Museum, will chair the symposium, which will be free and open to the public.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Mathers Museum
[email protected]


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