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8 Tuesday / October 8, 2013

The Brick Gallery presents: “China”

11:00 am to 07:00 pm
Pictura Gallery (122 W. 6th St.)

Brick Gallery is a special section of Pictura Gallery dedicated to local and regional artists. The exhibit features the work of several photographers who traveled together to Yunnan Province, a rural area in southwestern China, during the spring of 2013. The exhibit highlights the tension between the modern world and the ancient cultures of this region of China. Yunnan province is home to many ethnic minorities, including the Yi, the Bai, and Tibetans.

Images on view by Douglas Beasley, Diane Drinnon, David Moore, and Martha Moore. Douglas Beasley is a career photographer who led the trip to China and has established ‘Vision Quest’ workshops throughout the world. He is recognized as a person who seeks the sacred connections between what we see and do not see. Diane Drinnon, from New York City, was a participant in the Vision Quest workshop in China, as were Martha and David Moore, owners of Pictura Gallery.

Exhibit runs until November 30. Gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday, 11 am – 7 pm.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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