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29 Tuesday / October 29, 2013

Exhibit: ‘Shift’ at the Grunwald Gallery of Art

12:00 pm
Grunwald Gallery of Art (1201 E. 7th St.)

The Grunwald Gallery of Art is pleased to present “Shift”, “Metal Inkorporated”, and “These Moments Existed: Sim Luttin” an exhibition and series of events based on international jewelry design and collaborative projects.

Due to the divergent nature of the work produced by contemporary makers that define, expand, and contradict the boundaries of their craft, it is only fitting that the exhibition would be named “Shift”. In an essay regarding the exhibition, Robert Baines writes, “In this current era new transmission lines of knowledge combining historic methodologies and practices intersect with new materials and technologies.” The Shift exhibition and corresponding catalogue will feature over 70 works of art by 25 international artists, each identified as creating work in relation to the current Shift in the field of art jewelry.

Gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday, noon to 4 pm.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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