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3 Sunday / November 3, 2013

Art and a Movie: ‘Goya in Bordeaux’

IU Cinema, 1213 E. 7th St.

Sunday, November 3, 3:00–5:00 p.m.
IU Cinema
The gallery talk, at 2:00 p.m. at the IU Art Museum, will be followed by a presentation of Carlos Saura’s Goya in Bordeaux (1999), a biographical epic about the painter Francisco de Goya, who lived his final years in exile in Bordeaux with his young wife and their daughter. Through flashbacks and conversations, he reflects on his volatile career, relationships with women, and his creative spirit. In Spanish and French with English subtitles. (100 min., rated R.)

This program is presented in conjunction with IU Cinema and is sponsored by Marsha R. Bradford and Harold A. Dumes. The talk and film are free and open to the public.

Cost: Admission is always free.

For more information contact:

Katherine Pashcal
[email protected]


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