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3 Sunday / November 3, 2013

New Perspectives, Recent Paintings by Don Geyra

12:00 pm to 04:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts, 114 S. Grant

On First Friday, November 1st, beginning at 6 pm, The Venue Fine Art & Gifts will host an Opening and Reception for Artist Don Geyra, and his most recent paintings.

Born and raised in up-state New York, Don earned his undergraduate degree at Colgate, and his Masters in Fine Art at Indiana. He then established himself as a scenic artist in New York City. As a Scenic Artist, Don painted for virtually every significant Broadway Show, TV Show, and Movie, for the next three decades.

Last spring Don realized that it was time for him to leave the City. When he and his wife arrived in Bloomington, Don knew he was home. Fortunately for us, he brought his artist’s eye and vast experience with him. As a result, Don has painted, for The Venue, a whole new series of works which display entirely new perspectives of familiar scenes and places in Bloomington. Realistic, but not bound by reality, these scenes, as depicted by Don, are truly original and refreshing.

As an introductory gift to the art world of Bloomington, Don Geyra and The Venue are offering these wonderful oil paintings for sale at a fraction of their market value in New York. Don’t miss this generous opportunity.

The Venue will provide refreshments for this Reception and Opening. Our complete collection of Fine Art and Gifts will also be on display for viewing and purchase. Free parking is available in the lot on the corner of 4th and Grant. Arrive early.

This show will run at The Venue until November 14th.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Gabriel Colman
[email protected]

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