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3 Tuesday / June 3, 2014

Exhibit: ‘Indiana University and the Great War’ at the IU Archives

08:00 am
IU Archives (Wells Library, E. 460)

This exhibit at the IU Archives (Wells Library) will be recurring Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, until June 30.

The entry of the United States into World War I on April 6, 1917, caused a rise in patriotism as people across the country sought to contribute to the war effort. At Indiana University, President Bryan urged, “Your first thought every day should be in what you can most effectively serve your country.” In true Hoosier fashion, the students, faculty, and alumni rose admirably to the occasion.

By the fall semester of 1918, 60 percent of the student population had enlisted in the Student Army Training Corps and students, professors, and alumni were sent overseas. Male students enrolled in new Military Science courses to prepare for enlistment, while female students and faculty worked in the on-campus Red Cross Workshop, and on behalf of other war relief work. The Indiana Daily Student kept those on the homefront informed about the progress of the war, especially news of current students and alumni who had enlisted or gone abroad with the Red Cross.

Visit the Indiana University Archives to learn about World War I’s impact on the Hoosier community, view materials ranging from the diary of S.A.T.C. enlistee William R. Ringer, articles from the Indiana Daily Student discussing campus closures, a selection of wartime photographs, and the Indiana University War Service Flag. This exhibit was curated by Indiana University Information and Library Science graduate students Allison Haack and Alessandro Meregaglia.

Cost: Free

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