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11 Thursday / September 11, 2014

IU Cinema: “Jealousy” film

06:30 pm to 07:45 pm
IU Cinema, 1213 E. 7th St.

One of the major French filmmakers of the post-New Wave, Philippe Garrel is considered as a master, and Jealousy may be his most accessible film in nearly 50 years. In a series of brief conversations, chance encounters and impulsive acts, a man tells the story of his relationships that flounder and thrive in the wake of moving into an apartment with his actress girlfriend, their struggles with fidelity and the temptation to give up their art for an easier life. Jealousy is an especially intimate, deeply poignant and never less than enthralling tale of love, temptation and betrayal. In French language with English subtitles. (2K DCP presentation) For more information, visit the official website.

Jealousy is a work of rueful, retrospective wisdom, but its rough-edged beauty is very much of the moment—there, Garrel seizes the day. -The New Yorker

Pure, simple and heartbreaking in its playing out, moment by moment, of love and betrayal. -Stuart Klawans, The Nation

Cost: $3 IUB students, $6 public

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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