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5 Saturday / May 5, 2012

Urban Landscape: A Selection of Papercuts by Qiao Xiaoguang

10:00 am to 05:00 pm
IU Art Museum

Paper cut designs have a long and venerable history concomitant with the development of paper in China, with the earliest extant examples dating to the seventh century. Auspicious and decorative, they often are associated with festivals and celebrations and are given as gifts or purchased to be affixed to doors, walls, lamps, or any surface that would be improved by decoration. This installation features the paper cut work of Qiao Xiaoguang, a professor and deputy dean of the Cultural Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China, and director of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center.

Runs until May 27

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]


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