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26 Thursday / February 26, 2015

The Blizzard: 30 Drinks in 60 Minutes

07:30 pm
Bloomington Playwrights Project, 107 W. 9th St.

“With a wonderful sense of ensemble and a no holds bar approach to audience participation, [The Blizzard] is pure fun.” ~ FunCityFinder.com

“[The Blizzard’s] ability to relentlessly entertain… is rather impressive… The Blizzard is fun and funny.” ~ Bloomington Herald-Times

The BPP’s annual Blizzard fundraiser is one of Bloomington’s most exciting and unique theatrical events. An ensemble of actors attempts to perform 30 plays in only 60 minutes in the random order the audience chooses. Can they finish them all before the countdown timer hits zero? It’s short-attention span theatre at a hilarious, breakneck pace.

Cost: G

For more information contact:

Jessica Reed
[email protected]

Entertainment / Theater

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