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16 Friday / January 16, 2015

One Hour Exhibition: Jacques Villon

IU Art Museum, 1133 E. 7th Street

Visitors should meet in the museum’s third floor office. No pre-registration is required, but space is limited. Admission will be on a first come-first served basis.
Friday, January 16, 3:00–4:00 p.m.

In order to distinguish himself from his family of talented artists (including his younger brother Marcel), Gaston Duchamp changed his name to Jacques Villon. Nan Brewer, the museum’s Lucienne M. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper, will discuss a selection of Villon’s prints in a variety of techniques that trace his evolution from Neo-Impressionist to Cubist.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Abe Morris
[email protected]

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