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21 Wednesday / January 21, 2015


10:00 am to 11:00 am
Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville

Yoga Classes: Chair or Floor Yoga
What: Yoga Classes: Chair or Floor Yoga
When: 10:00 – 11:00 am, Wednesdays & Fridays, January, 7 – 30, 2015

Where: Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Dr, Ellettsville, IN 47429

Who: Lee-Ann Assalone, certified yoga instructor

Cost: 8 Classes: $45 (pre-register, paid in full) / ($40 EC Members, pre-register, paid in full) or $7/pay per class. Class size is limited, so register soon!

This class is a perfect opportunity to begin your new year relaxed, centered and optimistic! Carve out some time just for you, let go of stress and experience the peace that comes with gentle stretching and connecting with your breath. Certified yoga instructor, Lee-Ann Assalone will lead a one hour yoga session twice weekly through January. Any and all ability levels are welcome to experience chair or floor yoga (bring your own mat or borrow one of ours). You’ll experience the healing, calming and physical benefits that result from the practice of yoga. Class size is limited, so register soon! Call: 812-876-3383, ext 515

About the Instructor:
Lee-Ann Assalone came to yoga in search of a balm for stress and anxiety. What she found not only reminded her of what peace feels like, but also offered rehabilitation after a broken bone, comfort for her grief and a welcomed boost to her confidence. She says she is “honored to have the opportunity to guide others in discovering the gifts yoga holds for them, no matter what their level of fitness. I believe there is no one who can’t benefit from what yoga offers.”

Submitted by:
Jaime Sweany, Director
Endwright Center
Area 10 Agency on Aging
631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville, IN 47429
Phone 812-876-3383 ext. 582
Fax: 812-876-9922
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.area10agency.org

Cost: FREE! (donations and support gratefully accepted)

For more information contact:

Jaime Sweany
[email protected]

Fitness / Health

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