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23 Friday / January 23, 2015

Opening Reception “Hold That ose: Erotic Imagery in 19th Century Photography” by The Kinsey Institute

05:00 pm to 07:00 pm
Indiana University, The Kinsey Institute, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor

The Kinsey Institute art and library collections contain thousands of examples of erotic imagery produced over centuries by artists around the world. Secret Impressions presents a selection of lithographs, engravings, etchings and woodblock prints from the mid-19th century and earlier. These artworks from France, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, and Japan illustrate the means by which pornographic and erotic images were mass produced before the invention of the camera. Wealthy collectors could commission paintings, but others could purchase prints at a lower cost. Once photography was invented in the 1830s, it quickly became a popular medium for depictions of the nude figure, as well as erotic imagery. The first photographic process to become widespread was the daguerreotype, which produced a unique image. With the invention of a process that used a negative to make multiple photographs, the mass production of erotic images became possible. Hold That Pose features daguerreotypes, tintypes, albumen and gelatin silver prints, stereocards, and other examples of photographic processes that were used in the 19th century by professional photographers to produce and distribute erotic material.

Opening Reception—Friday, January 23, 5:00 to 7:00 pm, at the Kinsey Institute. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.

The Kinsey Institute is open to visitors from 1:30 to 5:00 pm weekdays or at other times by appointment. Admission is free. Due to adult content, visitors should be 18 years of age or older, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. To schedule a guided tour of The Kinsey Institute, please call 812-855-7686.

Cost: Free Admission

For more information contact:

Catherine Johnson-Roehr
[email protected]


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