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5 Monday / January 5, 2015

Tim O’Malley, Tom Marshalek, Mike Scji;er Dwoigjt Austin Gregory – TONIGHT! Bloomington Songwriter Showcase

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut

First Showcase of 2015 – One of the staff members – Tom Marshalek performs on the first Showcase of our 2015 Season alongside his friend Mike Schuler. Tom & Mike have been working together for years via Tarpaper Shack. Both writers tend to enjoy making folks laugh and songs they put together as a team reflects that. Separately, their music can be quite different – with Tom’s music having a Texas Blues/Swing edge, and Mike’s more Americana – Blues in nature. TIM O’MALLEY – is also on this evening’s program. O’Malley has become a Bloomington favorite as he is one of the finest writer-performers in our area. Having performed mostly as a guitarist with just about every Blues band in the area – Tim has recently opted to devote more of his personally music time to his songwriting and performance. We at the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase are SOOOO pleased about that – as are his fans. Quiet spoken, Tim O’Malley has a way of getting the complete attention of the Audience – often we could hear a pin drop during O’Malley’s performances – unless broken up by laughter at some of his humor songs. He’s the real deal. Also on this evening’s program is Dwight Austin Gregory – known for his paintings and art than his music, but in Bloomington IN – Dwight goes way back as a Singer-Songwriter. . . . more Country than not, Gregory’s music is thoughtful – with lyrics that speak to us. We think you’ll enjoy this Showcase.
Remember – NO COVER CHARGE to attend this program – and ALL ages are welcomed.

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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