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12 Monday / January 12, 2015

Healthy Resolutions for the New Year

248 Fountain Square Mall, 101 West Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, IN

Who & What:Four Bloomington healthy-lifestyle leaders:

Dr. Travis Hulbert of Quest Chiropractic
Topic: Self-Care Between Visits

Eric Linder of Tranquil Vibe Day Spa
Topic: The Healthy Benefits of Massage

Kirstin Craven of Impact Fitness Training
Topic: 21-Day Jump-Start to Fitness

John Hunckler of Bloomington Hypnosis
Topic: The Power of the Mind-Body Connection

Join us for an enjoyable information-rich evening.
There will be door prizes, too!

Cost: FREE to the public

For more information contact:

John Hunckler
[email protected]


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