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19 Monday / January 19, 2015

Joe Peters, Suzette Weakley, Steev Wisher & Clint Zimmerman – TONIGHT! The Bloomington Songwriter Showcase

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut, Bloomington IN 47401

Joe Peters is returning home for a visit after his recent move to Baltimore MD. We sure do miss him here in Indiana, but this evening, the sweet music of Joe Peters will be in the house! Joe is a prize winning Singer-Songwriter from Lafayette IN, and a world traveler with a social and environmental conscience. His music is simply beautiful and reflects the spirit that is Joe Peters – welcome home Joe! Suzette Weakley is also on this evening’s program! Suzette is one of the originators of the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase and presently attends to her duties as the talent coordinator and producer of the program. ‘Stella’ as she is known to some of the locals – know her music as conversational in nature – singing about what she knows with heart felt attention to lyrics. Humor often laced throughout Suzette’s music, she enjoys entertaining her Audience and usually everyone in attendance has a pretty darn good time when Stella is on stage. Steev Wisher is another staff member of the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase – the guy who coordinates the venue and talent to be sure everyone is on the same page : -) Wisher is known for his beautiful 12-String Guitar work – mostly instrumentals although Steev can belt out lyrics with the best of ’em. Wisher is a 4 time top 10 winner of Blooming-Tunes, as well as the leader of ‘The Double E Band’ – a Rockin’ high energy band who are fairly popular around the Bloomington (and surrounding) area. Last is a young cowboy from Martinsville IN – Clint Zimmerman who stepped in at the last minute to fill a spot vacated by a touring writer. Clint is a real live working cowboy – and his music reflect a definite Country style. Zimmerman enjoys the stage, and it shows when he takes the mic. Fairly new to the Showcase, Clint has become popular quite quickly. Tonight’s program is sure to please anyone who comes out to see it and we all hope to see our friends this evening!!
Remember – NO COVER CHARGE – and ALL Ages are welcomed!

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

[email protected]

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