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1 Sunday / February 1, 2015

First Sunday Prose Reading & Open Mic, Presented by the Writers Guild

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Boxcar Books, 408 E. 6th St.

First Sunday Prose Reading and Open Mic

Presented by the Writers Guild

With guest readers Stepphanie Haines and Eric Zobel

Come early to sign up for Open Mic!

Stephanie Haines writes humorous non-fiction in the form of personal narrative. She has tackled subjects such as moving, dating, and family gatherings. She says she doesn’t write fiction because she doesn’t have to, given the colorful characters in her life. Her hobby is grousing about inaccurate movie adaptations of Jane Austen novels. Stephanie can be found at: www.stephaniehaines.com.

Eric Zobel is currently a Ph.D. student in the department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University. His research interests include experimental theatre and film, art as social action, and avant-garde performance. He will be presenting a prose piece for multiple voices, “Adventures in Indifferenceland.” Readers: Tony Brewer, Joan Hawkins, Patsy Rahn, Eric Zobel.

Free, and open to the public. Free parking on Sunday.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

[email protected]
[email protected]

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