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12 Thursday / February 12, 2015

Parkinsons Support Group

03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Endwright Center; Area 10 Agency on Aging, 631 W. Edgewood Drive

Parkinson’s is a part of some people’s lives but it doesn’t have to be life itself. When we not only manage the disease but also plan ahead for new symptoms that may arise, we more easily adapt. Special guest, Tobin Wingard (Physical Therapist from I.U. Health Bloomington Hospital) will discuss ways to live with Parkinson’s and diminish its progression through exercise. This is an interactive group with opportunities for sharing and questions. Anyone living with Parkinson’s is invited to join at any time. The group meets monthly and is always open to newcomers. Sponsored by Covenant Care.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Jaime Sweany
[email protected]


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