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26 Thursday / February 26, 2015

The James Naremore Lecture with Richard Dyer

04:00 pm to 05:15 pm
IU Cinema 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Lecture details are forthcoming.

Richard Dyer is a Professor of Film Studies at King’s College London. He has an MA in French with German, English and Philosophy from St. Andrews University, with his PhD in English from the University of Birmingham in the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. He has had multiple visiting professorships across the U.S and Europe. His research interests include entertainment, representation and the relationship between them, as well as music and film (including melodrama), Italian cinema (especially in its popular forms) and gay, lesbian, and queer cultures.

Indiana University’s Department of Communication and Culture presents the James Naremore Lecture, which is dedicated to continuing the tradition of scholarly excellence and honoring the similar breadth and depth in the work of other pre-eminent scholars in the field of media studies. James O. Naremore is Chancellors’ Professor Emeritus in Communication and Culture, English, and Comparative Literature at Indiana University.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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