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28 Saturday / February 28, 2015

Bloomington AfterSchool Network Summer Camp Kick Off

10:00 am to 02:00 pm
College Mall Atrium

On Saturday, February 28th the Bloomington AfterSchool Network will host the Summer Camp Kick-Off event to advertise camp programs available during the summer of 2015. Located at the College Mall atrium, the event will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The opportunities include summer camp programs in Monroe County and surrounding areas. Information about the various camps and membership sign-ups will be available on-site. This enables families to learn about different organizations while comparing prices and times at one location. Families are also provided the opportunity to sign-up for Lemonade Day, an educational program that teaches youth the entrepreneurial skills necessary to start, own and operate their own business- a lemonade stand.

Cost: $0.00

For more information contact:

Audrey Hall
[email protected]

Children / Education

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