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28 Saturday / February 28, 2015

SafeTALK Training

12:45 pm to 04:00 pm
School of Public Health

SafeTALK Training
In the US, a person will kill themselves every 12.8 minutes. That means that every 13 minutes, someone else is left to figure out why it happened. Suicide is the 10th ranking cause of death in the US as of 2013 and it is the 2nd leading cause of death in young people ages 15-24.

Make a difference in the world by recognizing when someone is at risk of suicide and becoming certified in SafeTALK.

“As an academic advisor, and previously as a teacher in the public schools, I lost students to suicide. It affected me personally and it truly affected my students. I have also lost a close family member to suicide. It is something that you think will never happen to you, and when it did, it was truly shocking.” –Cindy Moore, Chair of the Annual Bloomington Community Out Of The Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2015

Time: 12:45pm-4:00pm

Location: School of Public Health

Cost: $5 (Proceeds go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)

The training only holds 40 people so please be sure to register today. Contact Cindy Moore with questions.

Visit http://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=3263 to register.

Cost: $5

For more information contact:

Cindy Moore
[email protected]

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