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11 Saturday / April 11, 2015

iCanAct Town Hall on Child Abuse

09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Bloomington City Hall - Council Chambers

Did you know it is estimated that 1 in 3 children in Monroe County will be abused or neglected before the age of 18?

You are invited to a Town Hall Meeting on Child Abuse. This public gathering will bring together community leaders, stakeholders, and other interested persons from the Monroe County area for a discussion of this important topic. The purpose of this event is to increase public awareness of how we can respond as a community to the needs of victims of child abuse and neglect.

Participants will also learn about opportunities to get involved in dealing with child abuse prevention and response issues. This event is organized by CASA, the volunteer driven Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children organization of Monroe County. Join us to learn how you can act and help.

Cost: no cost

For more information contact:

Kristin Bishay
[email protected]

Civic Affairs

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