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27 Monday / April 27, 2015

– B-Town Songwriter Showcase presents – Anna Hungerfield Lynch & James Damico Duo, – Jason Blankenship, Ryan M. Brewer, David Troxell

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut, Bloomington IN 47401

Ryan M. Brewer is an Indiana native who has recently relocated to California – where he is setting the world on fire. He’s home visiting family and so we booked him for this evening’s showcase. Ryan is one of the (if not THE) finest young talents we’ve featured – very handsome to look at, but even more impressive is his vocals and his songs!! This young man has it all and we’re lucky to have him in the house this evening. Local Duo – Anna Lynch-Hungerfield and co-writer James Damico will also perform their Contemporary style songs this evening. Anna also helps us as a guest host for the showcase upon occasion. She’s lovely, James is too – together they put together some nice music. Visiting from Brown County – Jason Blankenship will be performing his Country/Americana/Blues songs for ya all this evening. Jason gets around pretty darn well on his guitar, and our audience is always happy when he is on a Showcase, so this is a cool night for us. A fellow who will bring some ROCK & ROLL to the party – David Troxell will also be in the house tonight. David simply LOVES to play music – and will do it anywhere he can. He is a person who understands the streets, has been a busker for years, and after a recent surgery and recovery, is back at it and with us tonight! We think you’ll be entertained by the musical performers we’ve lined up for you this evening – there’s something musical for just about every taste.

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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