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9 Thursday / April 9, 2015

IU Cinema: My Winnipeg

06:30 pm to 07:50 pm
IU Cinema: 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Have you ever wanted to relive your childhood and do things differently? Guy Maddin casts B-movie icon Ann Savage as his domineering mother in attempt to answer that question in My Winnipeg, a hilariously wacky and profoundly touching goodbye letter to his childhood hometown. The film is a “docu-fantasia” (as Maddin proclaims) that blends local and personal history with surrealist images and metaphorical myths that cover everything from a frozen lake of distressed horse heads to sometimes traumatic scenes from Maddin’s own childhood. The film is Maddin’s most personal and a truly unique cinematic experience. (35mm presentation)

Guy Maddin is scheduled to be present.

Cost: $3

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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