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19 Sunday / April 19, 2015

Dame’s Rocket, Roots Revival, Lacey Chaddock, Joe Strunk, Kimmie & Johnny at the Acoustic Graveyard

06:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Acoustic Graveyard, 1731 K Street, Bedford, IN

5 Bands!

• Dame’s Rocket, classic rock. A family band that loves to entertain! This unplugged set could include classic artists: Janis, Tom Petty, Zep, Joan Jett, who knows?! When the spirit moves ya, ya gotta move! Hometown: Bedford, IN.

• Roots Revival, Nathaniel McQuaid. Hometown: Avon, IN. “I’m not big on bios.”


• Lacey Chaddock: Bloomington-based singer/songwriter. Her sound is “anxiety, a guitar, and swagger. A poetic, erratic, yet smooth wannabe jazzy, sorta bluesy, and blacks and purples…that swirl in and out of your thoughts with very literal blunt force. Then leaves you feeling wiser and glad that you’re not me.” Her influences are Evan Bliss, Thom Yorke, of Montreal, Erykah Badu, Dallas Green, Connor Oberst, and Bradley Nowell of Sublime, to name a few..

• Joseph Strunk: Bedford-based singer/songwriter and flat-picker, in the tradition of Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams

• Yer hosts, Kimmie & Johnny, Bedford-based Country Punk band. We steal from everybody!

Suggested Donation: $2

All Ages, under 18 accompanied by an adult

• Potluck: 6:00pm, bring your favorite dish, dessert, or beverage to share. (BYOB, but we’re 2 blocks from the police station, word to the wise)

• Music: 6:30pm-10:00pm

• Shooting Stars Open Mic/Audience Jam: 7:45-8:30pm

• Dessert by Kimmie: 9:30pm. Peach cobbler and homemade ice cream

• Suggested Donation: $2 (for toilet paper, paper plates, and other niceties). We also pass the hat between sets to help support professional musicians.

Cost: Donations Welcome

For more information contact:

Johhny Profane
[email protected]

Eat and Drink / Live Music

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