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15 Wednesday / April 15, 2015

Lunch for Stone Belt

11:00 am to 01:30 pm
Bobby's Colorado Steakhouse, 1635 N College Ave, Bloomington

Bobby’s Colorado Steakhouse is hosting a soup fundraiser for Stone Belt Arc on tax day, April 15, 2015. Guests can name their price for a delicious bowl of ham and bean soup, accompanied by sweet and savory cornbread. 100% of the soup proceeds benefit Stone Belt and give contributors an early start on their 2015 tax deductions! The full lunch menu will be available to customers, however only soup orders will count as a gift for the Stone Belt. Surprise local celebrity negotiators are scheduled to attend! Stone Belt staff will also be available to answer questions and discuss all the ways community members can make a difference in the lives of community members with developmental disabilities.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Lori Garraghty
[email protected]

Benefits / Eat and Drink

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