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20 Monday / April 20, 2015

IU Cinema: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

07:00 pm to 09:13 pm
IU Cinema: 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Adapted from Ken Kesey’s 1962 novel based on his experiences as night staff in a California VA hospital, the film depicts the story of a man who chooses hospitalization instead of jail. Jack Nicholson plays the anti-hero and Louise Fletcher the tyrannical psychiatric nurse who battle issues of power and agency, fueling critiques of the “myth” of mental illness and “asylum” care as a failed social experiment. The film swept the Oscars © (Best Picture, Director, Screenplay, Actor, and Best Actress), and is widely considered, along with the book, to help create the Community Mental Health Movement. (2K DCP presentation)

Cost: $3.00

For more information contact:

Lauren Hall
[email protected]


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