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25 Saturday / April 25, 2015

IU Cinema: Three Brothers

07:00 pm to 08:53 pm
IU Cinema: 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

One day Donato Giuranna sends his three sons a telegram informing them of the death of their mother. Raffaele, a judge in Rome, Nicola, a factory worker in Turin and Rocco, a teacher in a reformatory in Naples, return home for the funeral without freeing themselves from their own personal and professional problems. Raffaele, involved in combating terrorism, fears for his life. Nicola, separated from his wife, does not know how to overcome the marital crisis, and political strife. Rocco, an idealist, is very troubled by worldwide poverty. The night before the funeral they have different dreams that reflect their existential situation. In Italian language with English subtitles. (35mm presentation)

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

Lauren Hall
[email protected]


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