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16 Thursday / April 16, 2015


07:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Neal Marshall's Bridgewaters Lounge

She co-coordinated and co-hosted Bloomington, Indiana’s poetry slams at Rachael’s Café and The Bishop for the past three years and she has done a lot of community organizing around campus and in Chicago. Now, Ciara Miller invites you to share her final reading as a dual degree MA and MFA candidate in African American/African Diaspora Studies and Poetry.

Come join me, APRIL 16th, 7PM at the NEAL MARSHALL BRIDGEWATERS LOUNGE as I share:

1) A presentation from “How [They] Got Ovah: Aesthetics of Three Chicago Black Women Poets–Gwendolyn Brooks, Carolyn Rodgers, and Angela Jackson


2) Poetry from my thesis IN SEARCH OF BLACK BIRDS

Jazz selections by James Wilder
Surprise performances and a reception! :-)

You don’t want to miss it! :-)

Cost: $0

For more information contact:

Ciara Miller
[email protected]

Eat and Drink / Education

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