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28 Monday / September 28, 2015

Lunch with Nature Series: The Nut Gatherers

11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Paynetown SRA (Monroe Lake)

• Sign up at http://bit.ly/lwnsep2015
• Registration required by September 22.
• Limited to 12 people. Recommended for adults.

Join us for our monthly Lunch with Nature Series! Bring a sack lunch to enjoy during the main presentation. Afterwards, there is a short walk/hike that highlights the topic. 90 minutes

This month’s topic is: The Nut Gatherers. We’ll explore the nut gathering tendencies of three Indiana animals – the why, what, where, and how of their food “caching” behaviors. We’ll finish with a short hike into the forest to look at different varieties of masting trees.

Cost: Property Admission is $7 per vehicle (with Indiana license plate)

For more information contact:

Paynetown Activity Center
(812) 837-9967
[email protected]

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