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11 Friday / September 11, 2015

ANKO at The Venue

6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

On Friday, September 11, at 6 p.m., The Venue will host an Opening and Reception for ANKO, aka Anneke Dekker-Olthor.
Dutch by origin, African by osmosis, and American by assimilation, ANKO (aka Anneke Dekker-Olthof)’s full-time passion as an artist draws from her experience as a fashion designer, interest in nature, and lifelong interest in art.
Travel all over the world has sharpened ANKO’s appreciation of color, texture, and pattern, while 13 years of living in Africa brought her an awareness of that diverse landscape and the uniqueness of its people. Her Americanization allows her to comfortably translate her experiences into art.
In her paintings, Anko demonstrates her mastery of multiple styles and the use of unusual materials and techniques to create works that are colorful, dynamic, and captivating. And they are priced to quickly find good homes.
ANKO’S art is in collections in the United States, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. She has had several Solo Shows and regularly exhibits in Groups Shows in her hometown near Lake Michigan, and in Florida.
Meet ANKO at the Reception, where light refreshments will be served. You can visit the following link for free parking options near The Venue: bloomington.in.gov/parksmart.
Join us for this very special event. This Show will run at The Venue until October 1st.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Gabe Colman
[email protected]


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