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4 Monday / January 4, 2016

2016 Edward Auer Winter Piano Workshop

09:00 am to 09:00 pm on Jan 5
IU Jacobs School of Music

As most entrance auditions occur in the first part of the year, winter can be a crucial season for music students. The 2016 Edward Auer Winter Piano Workshop offers opportunities to meet and study with different professors from top music schools and conservatories. We are dedicated to preparing our participants to succeed in the next stage of their study. The program will feature five master classes (one by each professor), two individual lessons, and one mock audition experience where you will receive comments and feedback! For more information, please visit: http://music.indiana.edu/precollege/adult/edward-auer-piano/winter-workshop/index.shtml

Cost: 600

For more information contact:


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