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18 Wednesday / November 18, 2015

Geology Driving Tour

12:30 p.m.
Monroe Lake

Geology Driving Tour: Wednesday, November 18, at 12:30 p.m.
• Sign up at bit.ly/geologytour2015 by Nov. 15
• Tour is limited to 16 people and recommended for ages 16 and up.
• Cost is $5 per person.
Anticlines, fault lines, geodes, basins, formations, and more… Join us for a four-hour driving tour that highlights the geology in the Lake Monroe area. You’ll discover what these features tell us about our geologic past, how they shaped today’s landscape, and their impact on our local economy. Please dress for the weather, as we will be spending time outside the vehicles at each stop. Some walking will be required. The tour begins at Paynetown SRA (off of State Road 446) and ends at the Harrodsburg exit on State Road 37.

Cost: $5 per person

For more information contact:

Paynetown Activity Center
[email protected]

Education / Outdoors

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