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4 Friday / December 4, 2015

The Venue’s All Star Artists and Art for 2015.

5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

For Gallery Walk, beginning Friday at 5 p.m., December 4, The Venue will host an exhibition of new works by our All Star Artists.
We at The Venue strive to identify and present top quality local, regional, and national art, and then you, out patrons, select The Venue All Stars by the most meaningful form of voting, with your art consumer dollars. Our All Stars are our best selling artists for 2015.
Stop in The Venue on Friday eve for Gourmet Soup by House Chef Allen Booze and other refreshments and Holiday Cheer. The most recognized of our Paintings, Ceramics, Jewelry, Prints, and more, all Original Works of Art, will be available for your viewing pleasure and priced for your holiday budget. For this Holiday season, give the gift of The Venue’s All Star Art.
This show will run at The Venue until December 24, 2015.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Gabe Colman
[email protected]

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