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31 Sunday / January 31, 2016

Brandon Pfeiffer, Rick LeDune, Steev Wisher – TODAY- The Kroger Sunday Showcase!

12:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Kroger Grocer Store - 1175 South College Mall Rd., Bloomington IN 47401

The Kroger Sunday Showcase is pleased to present the songs of Brandon Pfeiffer on today’s program. Brandon has a tremendously strong vocal ability and combined with songs that are destined to climb the charts – this young man is a Bloomington Treasure and we hope you’ll stop in today and enjoy his music. Also on the program (performed ‘In the Round’) is the equally entertaining Rick LeDune – a decidedly Country – Southern Rock kinda musician with some HALARIOUS songs – and Steev Wisher will also be onboard today with his ‘mostly’ instrumental – 12 String Guitar work. Steev is an award winning Songwriter who is sure to capture your attention – Stop by and say Howdy!

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

(812) 369-8141
[email protected]

Entertainment / Live Music

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