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21 Saturday / May 21, 2016

Hills and Hollers Movie Premiere and After Party

06:30 pm to 12:00 am
IU Fine Arts Theater/Serendipity

Hills and Hollers is a low-budget, slasher horror movie written and directed by Ben Arvin, a Southern Indiana native and IU alum.

The movie was shot in the rolling country side just south of Bloomington.

The plot: An expecting couple dealing with the struggles of the Midwestern Rust Belt are attacked by masked assailants.

Hills and Hollers movie premiere is being presented at IU Fine Arts Theater.

Doors will open at 6:30pm. The movie will last approximately an hour and a half and there will be an After Party at Serendipity with DJ Party Ben. Tickets may be purchased at BCTBoxOffice.com

Cost: $5 for Movie, $10 for Movie and After Party

For more information contact:

Ben Arvin
(512) 906-9700
[email protected]


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