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24 Friday / February 24, 2017

Instruments of Culture: The Historical, Social, and Performative Lives of Musical Instruments in China

03:30 pm to 04:30 pm
Mathers Museum of World Cultures

Sue Tuohy is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology and an adjunct faculty member in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. She has conducted research on and in China for over three decades, including on music and society in Northwest China, cultural heritage, and music in social, political, and environmental movements. Her 2017 Instruments of Culture talk will address the interactions between musical instruments and broader social, political, and artistic phenomena. While focusing on musical instruments, the talk will highlight the human, musical and cultural diversity within China and its interactions with others. She will introduce three case studies–ancient bronze bells, the guqin, and “foreign” instruments from the west, both Central Asia and Europe and North America. These cases will illustrate some of the diverse ways people have used instruments as forms of self-cultivation, entertainment, “soft power,” and symbols of identity. The event will be free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Folklore and Ethnomusicology Colloquium Series.

Free visitor parking is available by the Indiana Avenue lobby entrance. Metered parking is available at the McCalla School parking lot on the corner of Ninth Street and Indiana Avenue. The parking lot also has spaces designated for Indiana University C and ST permits. During the weekends free parking is available on the surrounding streets.

An access ramp is located at the Fess Avenue entrance, on the corner of Ninth Street and Fess Avenue. Reserved parking spaces are available on Ninth Street, between Fess Avenue and Indiana Avenue. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. Please call 812-855-6873.

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

Judith Kirk
(812) 855-6873
[email protected]

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